Compassionate Communication:
A Deeper Dive into Embodying Empathy
Enrollment is closed, join the waitlist for the next round.
In this course, we take a deeper dive into empathizing with children, by learning the foundations of empathy through the lens of NonViolent Communication.
We will deepen our understanding of what is really going on in my children and myself, as well as:
- How to navigate conflict with our children
- How to foster connection in the messy moments
- How to harvest the gifts in every conflict and see the beauty in our children’s uncomfortable feelings
- How to understand what our kids are really trying to tell us, regardless of how they bring it
- How to care for our needs and our children's needs, and find ways to carry everyone's needs together
- How to hear and say “no” in a way that serves our connection
The principles of this course apply to every single relationship, including the one with ourselves, although this course will be with a focus on children.
Introducing Compassionate Communication: A Deeper Dive into Embodying EmpathyÂ
This course will be workshop style, meaning there will be some theory and a lot of practices and demonstrations, to facilitate embodiment through experiential learning. It is a safe and very interactive environment where we will use examples and scenarios that are currently alive in your life, in order to keep the focus on empathy as a practice of embodiment. There is also a structure for participants to continue practicing together throughout the course weeks.

This course will be led by Esty Adler.
About the facilitator:
Hello beautiful human! I am unsure of what to write here that will make you “know” me a little better.
I want to share with you my passion for meeting people where they are, while being authentically myself. I find this balance one of, if not the, most delicate balances of my entire life, one that presents itself to me again and again, millisecond by millisecond. The desire to understand how to negotiate this led me to move to Amsterdam, in order to live and learn Nonviolent Communication from my teacher, Yoram Mozenson, and his Connecting 2 Life community, for the past (almost) 3 years. Through this adventure, I’ve been gifted the tools to meet the delicateness of life in every moment, to understand what is really going between people, how to harvest the gifts in messy moments, and to find the path through conflict to understanding.
In the past year, my NVC learning has led me to assist my teacher's courses, as well as offer conflict and dialogue facilitations for couples and one on one empathy sessions for individuals. In this way, I have the privilege of meeting the beauty of life in all the forms it comes, while contributing with my presence to other people.
I feel most alive when I’m able to meet reality exactly as it is unfolding - it brings me an indescribable sense of awe, beauty and peace that I wish every human the ability to find. I’m so grateful and eager to share with you the tools and gifts NVC has brought me, to be able to meet and navigate life exactly as it beautifully is.
Compassionate Communication: A Deeper Dive into Embodying Empathy
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Join the course nowTestimonial
"Taking this Compassionate Communication class was the start of a new journey for me. It was kind of like taking a journey back to my true self. Actually, it was just that. During the first class I cried for 30 minutes straight. Luckily I was watching a recording and could pause it over to make space for all my feelings. (After that I made sure to join classes in person because I wanted to benefit from connecting and learning during the one-on-one break out sessions.) I was so moved by the peace and beauty of this method of communication. It’s like it was speaking directly to my Neshama. It was calling me back to myself. Calling to a deep part of me that I didn’t yet know how to express. I knew I wanted others to feel this safety and connection also, and I believed that if I could learn this, my true self would be able to shine in a way I had always longed for. I didn’t have to wait long for that. During the class I was so directly and fully immersed in this new language that it immediately started spilling out of me at home. To my spouse and to my kids. And also to myself, BH. And that’s why I’m taking this course again. My hope is that by being in the presence of this beauty again, it will continue to overflow, and I will pour love into my home and into others around me more and more. That’s my dream".
Compassionate Communication Course Attendee